Sunflower Seeds


Sunflower seeds is a segment we are starting here at Sunflower Psychiatry in which we post a nugget of wisdom and we offer a few perspectives on the matter. Hopefully it will provide a mental exercise and period of enlightenment for our followers. Feel free to comment your own interpretation- we can always learn from others.

“Its never too late to be what you might have been”

- George Eliot

Felicity, K: “You are not who you have been and you don’t have to be that person. We are constantly growing and evolving- we are living beings, afterall. I’m not who I was five years ago, and I know it’s within my power to be who I want to be.”

Mike, L. “The word grit comes to mind.  That success doesn’t really have a time requirement. Sometimes it is easy to give up or just not to get started, but you can start to change your life at anytime.” 

Sally G. “To me, this means that you can still be the person you envision yourself being no matter when you decide to be it. Maybe you’re not being the best version of you right now.  You have to make changes to put changes into motion.  Do little things to better yourself.  Like if I want to run a marathon, it’s not impossible, I just need to start running a bit every day.  Small steps can make large changes.”  

Walt, M: “I hear a lot of regret in this quote with the words, ‘what you might have been.’ Regret involves reflecting upon the past and wishing things had been different or willing them to impossibly change. Instead, George Eliot is saying not to regret because there is nothing to regret; the moment to be who you want to be is still now.”


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