5 Tips for Improving Self-Esteem

Exercising self esteem is like just like exercising a muscle.  It doesn’t just happen overnight, but if you practice and work it out daily, your self esteem can experienced gains and before long you’ll be buff.

Tip #1 to Improve Self Esteem:

Positive Affirmations

The little engine that could, could, simply because he thought he could.  It’s a children’s story that has a very impactful lesson for all ages.  If you believe it, you can achieve it.  If you say you’re awesome enough times, it will come true.  Affirmations can be said before bed, after breakfast, heck, anytime of the day you feel a bit low and need a pep talk.  I recommend listing a few positive things about yourself to remind yourself of you’re innate awesome-ness.  Inspiring quotes work, even empowering words. Anything to build yourself up.  Remember, “You is kind, you is smart, you is important.” 

Tip #2 to Improve Self Esteem:

Challenge Your Thoughts

Those with low self esteem, tend to default to self criticism.  Just because it’s comfortable, does not mean it is the right thing for you.  It’s important to challenge those negative thoughts.  Ask yourself if you are being fair, and if you are not granting yourself the grace you would someone else.  In order to change, you have to recognize areas that need to be changed. When a negative though pops in, challenge it! Quite often it can’t stand up to the scrutiny.  

Tip #3 to Improve Self Esteem:

Praise Where Praise is Due

You have to celebrate the little success.  After all, Rome wasn’t built in a night, first the roads and to be cut away, the stones had to be laid, and the people had to settle.  Progress is what moves us forward and it is important to acknowledge the progress. This goes for accepting praise from yourself, as well as others.  When people compliment you, accept it! Don’t diminish your achievements (if you find you are…challenge it!)

Tip #4 to Improve Self Esteem:

Give Yourself Some Love

Feeling good about yourself goes hand in hand with simply, feeling good.  Give yourself some self care- do your hair, take a bath, paint your nails, read a book, etc.  Allow yourself the time to decompress when you need to decompress.  Listening to your body is an important step in your relationship with yourself.  When you feel good, you will feel better about yourself.  

Tip#5 to Improve Self Esteem:


Elle woods said it best, “exercise gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy.”  Our bodies are meant to move, not to be sedentary. Exercise can make you feel more capable and empowered. It doesn’t have to be a marathon, exercise could be a simple walk around the neighborhood.  The important thing is to get the blood pumping, the lymph moving, and the endorphins flowing. 

These are just 5 ways to help improve self-esteem, and you don’t have to do them all at once. Its a muscle, and like a gym, you don’t need to use all of the equipment at the gym to get stronger.  Find what works for you! 






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