The Importance Of A Good Diet

A good diet encompasses more than just what types of food you put in your body.  It also includes when you eat and how much you eat, your relationship with food, and other factors that influence digestion- like sleep, exercise, and hydration.  

Lets Talk About Nutrients

Nutrients are substances your body needs for support and growth.  Nutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fats and water.  Yes, fats are a nutrient.  In fact, many healthy fats are essential to proper functioning.  Carbs are also important.  None of each individually is your enemy. Nutrients provide energy and building blocks for vital cellular functions. The best way to ensure a well balanced and diverse intake of nutrients is to have a wholesome, varied diet.  The tried and true phrase “eat your leafy greens” is not incorrect, however it doesn’t have to be as bland as munching away on leaves of spinach.  Spinach, for example, can be jazzed up in a ramen soup, turned into a delicious pesto, or hidden in a ranch pinwheel sandwich. Getting the right nutrients you need is an important part in maintaining good health.  

Your Relationship With Food

It is very difficult in todays society to have a good relationship with food.  One diet will tell you that eliminating carbs is the end all and be all of being healthy.  Others chose to single in on fats as the devil.  Some will say to “up” the protein.  People are always searching for a magic, easier equation. An important thing about having a good relationship with food is maintaining balance.  Consume unhealthy things in moderation.  If  you do struggle with your relationship with food beyond your control, licensed professionals can help you establish a better understanding and improved relationship moving forward.  A good intervention that can help you be more consistent with a good diet is practicing mindfulness. Turn off the Television. Think about what you are eating when you eat it- pay attention to the taste, the texture, the smell.  By being more engaged in the act of eating, your awareness improves and you are more likely to make smarter choices.  

Your Relationship With Yourself

A good diet also means being understanding and forgiving of yourself.  If you eat that extra piece of cake, that is O.K.  Making positive changes doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. You just have to be understanding and patient with yourself.  You are allowed to indulge every now and then.  Everything is about moderation- eat cake, just not for every meal.  

It’s Not Just Food

Other factors influence your diet, such as sleep and exercise.  It is important to get the proper amount of sleep and squeeze in a few sessions of exercise into your weekly schedule.  Water intake is important as well.  Sometimes you may think you are hungry, but what your body really wants is a glass of water!  Listen to your body.  

A good diet is different for everyone, but for the most part it can be simplified into getting into healthy habits and making good choices (by the way- a good choice doesn’t always mean a carrot over a piece of cake!) It’s not always easy to figure out what those choices are on your own. There are people trained to help you construct a better view of your diet and they are there to help.  As always, talk to your doctor before making any dietary changes as certain foods may interfere with medications.  


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